"Yea, though you have walked through the valley of solid state, you will fear evil tone no longer, for brother Greg Martin continues to see the light and spread the word of hot hands, warm tubes, and smokin' speakers... surely honest to goodness slide tone and merciful blues riffs shall follow us as we listen to "songs from the grass string ranch"...
Ronnie Montrose
Pics of Greg At RubbiesRufus Huff "Goin' Down Slow"Mighty Jeremiahs in Louisville Music NewsGreg and Jimmy Hall play Glasgow High SchoolMighty Jeremiahs in Village Voice
Hear the Whacker Brothers
Danny Brooks & The Rockin' Revelators Hear Danny and Greg Martin playing Statesboro Blues (RealAudio) KisstorySource.com Interview !p>
Maybe you've heard of Greg. He plays lead guitar with the Kentucky HeadHunters, loves Jesus, family, friends, vintage guitars, the blues & Bar-B-Q.
'Thanks Carhartt for the cool overalls. I wear 'em to play in, and
church to pray in!'
Greg Martin
Read old guestbook entries HERE.
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